function varargout = props(action,varargin)
This function calls:
- angle Calculates the smallest angle between two vectors, m1 and m2.
- associatedlg Main dialog box interface used by ensembler
- cameraman
- colorpallete
- createmarker ARGUMENTS
- ctransform vout = CTRANSFORM(c1,c2,vec) will transform a vector from c1 to c2 (T2/1)
- currentobject
- currentperson Updated Sept 2016
- displace DISPLACE moves a matrix m to vector vec
- engine fl = ENGINE(varargin) is a file searching algorithm
- extension varargout = extension(f,ext) returns file extension. File extension can be changed if
- fitobject this function will displace and rotate objvr to fit the fitvr
- forceplate
- getchannelc3d r = getchannelc3d(c3ddata,label)
- gunit
- listchannelc3d
- makecolumn MAKECOLUMN forces row vector to be a column vector
- makerow MAKEROW forces a column vector to be a row vector
- makeunit MAKEUNIT makes all vectors unit vectors
- marker varargout = marker(action,varargin) performs various actions for director
- partitionfile updated Jan 2013
- plugingait
- readc3d DATA = READC3D(FNAME) will read a .c3d file and output the data in a structured array
- surface2patch [vr,fc] = SURFACE2PATCH(x,y,z) converts surface orientation data to patch
- uigetfolder UIGETFOLDER(title, initial_path) Standard Windows browse for folder dialog box.
- vecrotate vout = VECROTATE(vin,ang,ax) rotates a vector any number of degrees about any axis
This function is called by:
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